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BLUE CHIP CREDIT LORDS is ready to tackle any challenge and put you on the path to success. Since the 1800's, we’ve helped families and corporations clients by delivering services that transform the way they do business. Login and create an account and start net working now!
Blue Chip Credit Lords exists to solve the critical issues facing our clients financial future. Our unique approach is not only what differentiates us, but also what makes us successful. We provide a broad range of services. Credit Cleaning, bad debt removal and trade lines. We also offer wide solutions to help our clients secure a debt free future, and achieve their vision of having a happy care free future.
Grow Your Business
Looking to develop your financial future but not sure where to turn? Need help planning or executing your next project? Let us guide you. Any corporation or individual can move forward with small incremental changes, but building for the future in today’s rapidly evolving environment means taking bold chances and making insightful decisions. Incorporating your business will put you in front of many mom and pops business running in the United States today! Let us at Blue Chip Credit Lords get your new corporation started and off to and healthy and wealthy start! help you move! Thank you, BARCONIA FAMILY
Introductory Consultation
Achieve Your Goals
We examine your financial income and spending habits. We check to see if your going to be relevant and competitive in this fast-paced world. We connect you with the best options out their that will catapult your company in a successful direction. Feel free to contact us today!
Gold & Silver
The Barconia Family
Understanding today’s economy, Gold & Silver is a perfect way to build backing for your company. The American Dollar is depreciating rapidly. No one knows where America will be in the next 50 years. By investing in Gold & Silver your company will be able to survive through an economic break down. Allowing your company to transform into whatever is profitable at the current time. The Barconia Family has made it possible for anyone that wants to invest in Gold & Silver can! Don’t forget to ask about our monthly plans that will allow you to purchase precious metals! Thank You Barconia Family!
Does your company need our services? Message us today.

The Barconia Family last name has been founded dated back to the 400 century. From The Woods Of Barconia, Outside the Roman Empire.
Also having a Royal Navy Ship Name After The Family “Barconia Ship BVD Bar Class 1941”. The Barconia Family also has a history in Fine Fabrics with incorporation documents founded in London England “Barconia Fabric LTD.
It Seems the family has spread across the world with some of the family members settling in France Now the US.
Lawrence Barconia Born 1904 set forth a standard for his two sons Lawrence Barconia Jr and Edward Barconia. Purchasing Oil in Texas in the late 1930’s Lawrence Barconia was able to make a good life for himself.
Son Edward Barconia became an engineer and an electrician. At that current time being an electrician was a very good profession. As it still is in today's time. Edward Barconia Married Bertha Miller in 1961. Edward and his wife Bertha both together invested their earnings in the stock market and purchased several acres of land in the Deep South.
Son of Edward Barconia Warren P Barconia in the 1970’s helped organize the “High Supreme Gangsters” on the North Side Of Chicago. Having Done This Warren P was able to use his organization to help Political figures win certain seats within the city of chicago. After years of dealing in chicago. Warren P moved to Los Angeles Ca. Warren P Then went to work for the Department of Defense, working as a Military Police Officer. Then after Warren P started his own business as well.
Warren P Barconia has 5 Sons 4 with Wife Brenda Blue Two of them being Twins and both Twins bearing the same Name Warren Barconia. Sons Isaiah Blue, Pervis Blue.
Jamison Clay, taking the last name of his Mother, Found a life as a Pastor in Chicago, IL. Jamison also owns and operates an FireArm Licencing class in the Chicago Area.
The Twins and Isaiah went into several business adventures in Dallas, Texas and the Chicago Il, Area.
The youngest twin Warren K Barconia “GGov Tha Governor'' Had a short career in the Hip Hop industry. releasing a single titled “Look At My Swag”. Securing a Digital Distribution Deal with Catapult Distribution. Warren K has had his hands in several business adventures. From real estate, Recording and Promotions companies, Cell Phone Stores, Car washes and the list goes down. Warren K built a custom mansion in Texas of 2007. The home is approx 7,300 sq ft. Although it's listed at 4,500 sq ft. The home boat of marble, hard wood, and french doors.
In 2008 Warren K Barconia “GGov Tha Governor '' was indicted by federal authorities along with 19 other’s for money laundering with a car dealership. The Owner of the dealership had forged documents and charted higher down payments than was initially given down. Doing so, it raised red flags within the IRS. While Warren K Baronia Plead His Innocence, giving the clear statement “those documents are wrong” Warren K was also caught with firearms in his home while being a convicted felon. With advice from his lawyer, Warren Forfeited over a million dollars in assets and pleaded guilty to money laundering. Warren K Barconia Later went on to college and Studied Political Science and Business Management at the University of Phoenix. Also obtaining a Doctorate Of Divinity Degree online at World Christian Ministers. Warren K Barconia has now released a book in December of 2020, titled Spiritual Realm “Covid-19” Message To The World.
The older twin Warren M Barconia “President” started his own Lawn Service in the Chicago area. Warren M also rapped along with his twin and younger brother Isaiah aka Prince Famus.
Warren M, helps run and operate the family Business.
The Younger Brother Isaiah Blue, went into several businesses. Owning a promotion company “Famus Promotions and Services” and a clothing store located in Dallas, Texas named “P Pods” Jaimon L Barconia, son of The youngest Twin, Warren K Barconia is now attending Illinois State University studying Criminal Law To become a lawyer.
Pervis Blues was murdered in Chicago in December of 2000 at the age of 19.
Today The Barconia family runs a consulting Firm in the United States with two home bases, one in Dallas, Texas and Chicago, IL.
In 2020 Covid-19 brought on an unprecedented time period for the world. The Barconia Family came together to open up the first company to combat Covid-19. Blue Chip First Aid. The Company's Main duties were getting out, feeding the homeless and preparing our new team to assist with door screening for Covid-19 for businesses throughout America.
The Barconia Family has had a few past investments. With the Latest Investments as follows; Details shops in California and Texas. T Mobile & Boost Mobile Stores, P Pods Clothing Store, Lawn Care Services, Recording Studios, Concerts, Hip Hop Artist, Real-estate and At The Moment The Family is a Major investors in Gold and Silver.
Our Family Loves To Help! “Barconia Family”
Updated JAn 7, 2020 12;14pm cst
Authorized By The Barconia Family Blue / Miller
Warren Barconia 1
Warren Barconia 2
Warren barconia 3
Isaiah Blue
Jaimon Barconia
Dallas, TX, USA